We are pregnant! With no 2 (our little mustard (seed) is due Mid Feb next year). I have been thinking a lot about how different pregnancy no 2 is... so here is a letter for baby 2.
Dear mustard
We called you mustard because although you were tiny to begin with we trust and pray and know you will grow into something big and strong and distinctive.
this pregnancy is very different from when I was pregnant with your big brother Luc. I know I spent a lot of time talking to my baby bump then. I spent lots of time reading about how big your big brother was or what he was doing or what body part he was growing. I spent a lot of time thinking about him and what our life would be like. I spent a lot of time reading up on what to eat, what exercise to do, how much sleep to get, what is the best car seat/ compactum/ formula/ method of birth... I spent hours talking to my mommy friends, picking their brains about what worked for them. and I wrote everything down about big brother luc...
I will be honest I haven't done much chatting to you my sweet mustard. I haven't read anything so I don't know how big you are right now or what body part you are focusing on growing.
I haven't been strict about what I am eating or drinking (although you'll be pleased to know I have avoided the hard drugs and alcohol). I haven't exercised at all (other than chasing around your brother). and in terms of equipment and clothes you will get all the hand- me- downs.
The reason for this is mostly how full life is with one child and I will be very honest I do not know how you cope with more than one?
What I do know is that your daddy and I can do this. we can be good parents (not perfect ones) but competent ones. I do know that I will trust myself much earlier on once you are born. I do know that I will not stress the small stuff. I do know that the bad nights pass. and the endless days. I do know that being a parent is mind blowingly good.
and more than anything I do know that I love you so much... Already... So I cannot wait to meet you and love you even more.
Lots of love mommy