Let's start a conversation...

"We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they have all learned to live together in the same box!"

Monday, 30 September 2013

Our holiday

As promised... I am blogging again ( Having a blog is actually fairly self- centred... I wonder if anyone actually cares if i blog or not?)

So a little bit about our holiday. We spent a few days in Durban with Philippe"s parents and a few days in Southport with just our tiny little family. oh, and of course Philippe rode a race (Hill 2 Hill- He did quite well especially considering his gear shifter fell off and he had to do the last 15km in 1 gear).

We spent lots of time riding our bikes. it is fun having the seat for Luc so we can all ride together. it is funny to watch- Luc loves hitting Philippe on the bum...

We went to the beach and Luc loved the sand and water and all the interesting things to put in his mouth

Luc started walking. so cute! Zombie walk with lots of falling down but awesome.

Warm weather so lots of nakedness and playing with water

Spent lots of time with granny and grandpa... they adore Luc and he adores them and that is special to see.

Drinking lots of coffee/ hot chocolate and eating too much yummy stuff. Colombo coffee is the place to be in Durban.

Luc loved Bergview petrol station because they have animals. he was especially fascinated by the donkey and pig.

Was a wonderful holiday! i even managed to read a couple of books! Looking forward to the next one. spending time with my boys is awesome!

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