When i was in primary school i auditioned for the choir and i didnt get in. I am sure the teacher was very sweet about it but i was devastated and heartbroken. Looking back i think i was so upset because i love to sing... it is fun and it feels good. With the benefit of some age and wisdom i realise i am not very musical- i am tone deaf and am not naturally musical.
This failed audition however started an "i cant sing" label that i have carried around since then. I went through a stage when i wouldn't even sing aloud because i was embarrassed about my voice. lip synching!
Last week i was driving with Luc and he was getting upset in the car. i tried to talk to him, tried sticking his dummy in but he wasnt interested. so i started singing to him... Thank you Barney for those stick in your head songs... If i stopped singing Luc started crying so i sang and sang and sang...
Today we had the same situation- my boy was tired of sitting in his car seat, didn't like the CD i was listening to. he wanted to hear me sing! Me, of the, "you're not good enough for this choir voice"! It was like my boy took 23 years of hurt and erased it with his insistence that i sing for him...
Thank you my special boy. You help heal my hurt and break my heart open with what a blessing you are.
How lovely, the outcome.